• Life in Maison Gezellig,  Product Reviews

    There better be a front-runner for the nominee soon…

    Because at this rate, I may forget how to cook.

    Super Tuesday! Can’t cook on Super Tuesday! Not when there’s blogs to read and the Georgia results come in at 7pm!

    Then I had a 1000-word piece to submit for class Wednesday — a piece no one seemed to especially like, so that kind of sucked. Dinner that night: sympathy cheeseburgers.

    Thursday was Museum Day — after which an Obama-supporting waitress spotted my husband’s sticker and slipped us free cake, to which I say: damn, bring the revolution if there’s gonna be free cake, yo!

    Friday was Chinatown where I bought this:

    Hell if I know what a honeymansi is, but refreshing? Check. Exciting? Well, I guess. It is fruity and delightful, I’ll give it that.

    Saturday was a morning of four hours of incredibly intense French — like someone flipped open the top of my head, dumped a basketful of French in, shoved it around to fit, threw some more in on top of that, then sat on my head until it was closed enough to latch shut.

    Then, more primary results that afternoon and again Sunday.

    Yesterday, I stared into space a lot, tried to remember when to use y or en in the passé composé, stared into space some more, tried to Google honeymansi.

    And now today is Super Chesapeake Crabcake Tuesday or something.

    Is it November yet?

  • Recipes

    Kristen to Old Man Winter: Drop Dead

    I am so fucking tired of winter.

    An entire February of cold, grey, depressing days, not even broken up by any real snowfall, has exhausted my patience with winter. Start up the daffodils and robins already, because I am so done with all this wintery shit.

    So much so, I went out of my way to cook something without local, seasonal ingredients and instead bought two of my favorite spring vegetables — snow peas and asparagus — from FreshDirect to make this:

    hurry up spring pasta II

    I call it Hurry The Fuck Up Already Springtime Pasta.

    Not an especially inspired name, but it gets the point across.

  • Product Reviews,  Questions

    Candy cane update:

    Whole Foods does, in fact, carry all natural candy canes under the Ashers All Naturals label. I stopped in the Union Square Whole Foods this past Saturday night (while out on a semi-annual date with my husband), where a very nice young man named Will brought us an assortment of candy canes from the back, as they weren’t out on the shelves yet. In short, they had mini canes, regular candy canes and big peppermint sticks.

    The candy itself is very lightly striped — almost pink — and, oddly, starts out with a somewhat fruity flavor, before becoming intensely minty towards the center. In fact, a recent consumer said, “Eeesh! It’s kinda minty, Mama. You eat it.”

    So, y’know, good thing I bought two boxes. Thanks anyway, Whole Foods Will!