
Toooo. Hotttttt. D:

I don’t know what it’s like where you are, but NYC is a record-breaking 102 degrees today (and feels like 116 with the humidity). Leaving my air-conditioned bedroom to stand over a stove sounds like a suicide mission right now.

Here, instead, is a quick recap of some of my favorite recipes that involve absolutely no cooking at all:

ABC slaw
1. Apple, Beet, and Carrot Slaw

washington heights dinner
2. Avocado and Black Bean Salad

fake tuna salad
3. Fake Tuna Salad

red cabbage and cucumber salad
4. Filipino Kangkong Salad

#15 : tomato salad
5. Simple Tomato Salad

drained yogurt
6. Tzatziki

#25: upscale tuna salad
7. Upscale Tuna Salad